

I am probably the worst for leaving my projects either unfinished or going so long between updates that readers forget about them.  While I am working on improving this, it is still going to be a hard habit to break.  Admittedly, my biggest problem is that I usually lose inspiration and let things slide.  It is so easy to say that you’ll work on something and keep putting it off.  You then realize that it’s been six months or more since you last updated.

I am also guilty of this on my own websites and I will go months without updating or posting anything.  I always start out with good intentions, but somehow, updates still end up being forgotten about or pushed aside.

A Change In The Wind

That aside, I am working, slowly but surely, on the last chapter of A Change In The Wind.  I have thought about revisiting this alternate universe but I’ve decided to try and finish the entire story first.  It really isn’t fair to readers to have to wait months or years for the next update.  I am probably the worst for that.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

Since I have made little headway with A Change In The Wind, I haven’t worked on Bedknobs and Broomsticks at all.  I am still in the process of rewriting what I had already done.  Once that is completed, I will start working on new content for this story.  This is the project I will be tackling after I finish A Change In The Wind.  I have some reworking on it to do with the storyline.  It was starting to go a bit wonky when I was writing it the first time, which is part of the reason I decided to rewrite it.

The Deatheater’s Daughter

This is the final project I’ve been stalling on, more so than the others.  I have been trying to figure out all of the background with Ginny missing from the story in order to get it properly written and for the whole alternate universe to make sense.  This one is my favourite so once I’ve worked that out, I will start working on this one again.

I’d like to finish all of these projects before I start another one.  I feel like that will be easy as I haven’t had any plot bunnies popping up that have had me itching to write.  I will keep everyone apprised of any further updates on here, but those may be few and far between.